Resources for parents

Activities for my child’s free time

Which are the right kind of activities for my child? How can I help him/her discover their talents and develop to his potential? How many clubs should I plan in a week? These are questions asked by all parents when their child reaches 3-4 years old.
Fiona Duţu, Head Teacher in Acorns Nursery comes to parents’ […]

By |June 30th, 2017|BLOG, Resources for parents|Comments Off on Activities for my child’s free time

‘The first teacher a child should have is his parent!’

Interviu cu Valentina Secară pentru Revista Copii și Părinți
 1.  Ce înseamnă, pentru dumneavoastră, Acorns Nursery?
Pentru mine Acorns a însemnat un nou început! A însemnat multă muncă, mult studiu, bucurii și dezamăgiri, alegeri din care am învățat, testarea propriilor limite și convingeri, nopți nedormite, oameni frumoși, dăruire și dragoste pentruc opii. Astăzi,Acorns Nursery înseamnă educație tinand cont […]

By |June 30th, 2017|BLOG, Resources for parents|Comments Off on ‘The first teacher a child should have is his parent!’

How to support a child – freedom vs. direction

Parents want their child to be successful in as many areas as possible, while children want very much to please their parents – so much so that they sometimes end up doing things that they really don’t like yet are afraid to say so. They can end up taking subjects that they don’t identify themselves […]

By |May 25th, 2017|BLOG, Resources for parents|Comments Off on How to support a child – freedom vs. direction

Shy children: 10 tips for parents

Each person has their own temperament and their own way of seeing the world. This characteristic is inate and you can discover from the first interaction with a child whether they are shy or outgoing.
Outgoing personalities are noisy, make friends easily and share toys with others while shy children are timid, preferring to spend time […]

By |May 25th, 2017|BLOG, Resources for parents|Comments Off on Shy children: 10 tips for parents

Mindfulness in Early Years Education

Relaxation and meditation techniques that are more popular among adults have also been introduced to children through various educational programs to help them better develop their self-awareness and focus.

Mindfulness is an ancient concept rooted in meditation. It was widely introduced at the end of the 1970s by Jon Kabat-Zinn, an American physician who developed mindfulness […]

By |May 7th, 2017|BLOG, Resources for parents|Comments Off on Mindfulness in Early Years Education

The best care in the first 2 years: nanny or creche?

For young parents one of the first difficult decisions about their child will be whether to enroll him/her in a creche, employ a nanny or lengthen the parent’s maternity/paternity leave. As a parent you will undoubtedly consider arguments both pro and anti each option, although emotional aspects seem to outweigh rational ones, especially when the […]

By |May 4th, 2017|BLOG, Resources for parents|Comments Off on The best care in the first 2 years: nanny or creche?

One teacher to every 4 children

As in industry and technology, trends also exist in education – some come and go while others have a longer life depending on the principles on which they are based.

One such principle which meets with a lot of approval from specialists is “a teacher to 4 children”. In short, this strategy means that the days […]

By |March 13th, 2017|BLOG, Resources for parents|Comments Off on One teacher to every 4 children

Read with your Child – 5 surprising advantages

At a time when children are passionate about virtual reality in video games, specialists draw our attention to how reading has enormous benefits while parents can do much more for their children than simply telling them to read. Valentina Secara, the founder of Acorns Nursery and initiator of a story telling programme in the nursery […]

By |March 13th, 2017|BLOG, Resources for parents|Comments Off on Read with your Child – 5 surprising advantages

Evaluation in early education

As a parent, you ask yourself many times what career your child will choose and how you’ll be able to help him/her reach their potential.

In order to make sure we make the right decision for our children, experts in education encourage us to reflect on their progress at regular intervals, from birth.

In the first months […]

By |March 10th, 2017|BLOG, Resources for parents|Comments Off on Evaluation in early education

Multicultural Context: how does it influence our children’s future?

Ideas connected to multiculturalism are commonly found in today’s society. Nowadays it is rare to not meet people from different cultures compared to our own, while education of the next generation related to understanding and accepting those around us is recommended to begin from the early years.

Preschoolers are most receptive to this type of education, […]

By |March 10th, 2017|BLOG, Resources for parents|Comments Off on Multicultural Context: how does it influence our children’s future?