scottish day

Scottish Day

For this day, the children listened to the sounds of bagpipes, this being a common instrument played in Scotland, and danced to Scottish music. They created their own „Highland Gathering” by throwing foam balls and had a blue day – all children were invited to wear something blue, play with blue play dough, water, shaving foam […]

By |December 6th, 2017|BLOG, Jurnal Acorns|Comentariile sunt închise pentru Scottish Day

Ziua Scotiana si workshop de dans scotian

Copiilor nostri le place sa danseze si sa se exprime prin muzica si miscari, ca atare am organizat un workshop special de dans pentru ambele grupe School Years, Rainbows si Early Explorers, condus de Alina Petrisan cea care conduce si clubul nostru de Gym and Dance.

Cei mici au avut oportunitatea de a invata un dans […]

By |November 28th, 2016|BLOG, Jurnal Acorns|Comentariile sunt închise pentru Ziua Scotiana si workshop de dans scotian