Thank you to all parents who participated in this special week! Baby Acorns and Shiny Stars were happy to share their morning activities and play with their Mums and Dads. Rainbows and Early Explorers found out about jobs that some of their parents do: Rainbows learnt about being a dentist from Sebi M’s dad, a builder from Andrei R’s dad, and how to make cheese from Teo’s mum (who works at Napolact) while Victor M’s dad talked to both Rainbows and EE about being a lawyer. Early Explorers also found out about what it means to work for Disney with Mariuca’s mum, how to be a TV news presenter/reporter with Tomas’s mum (SS) and how to design kitchens from Luis’s dad. it was a very informative week for everyone!
Red and pink dough, hearts shapes, love, hugs, kind words, friendship and fun all contributed to a LOVELY Valentines Day!
Baby Acorns celebrated Valentine’s Day by singing I Love You, passing hugs around their circle, making heart shaped cards to take home, playing with red dough and hunting for paper harts hidden around the room which they tossed up in the air while holding the parachute. They learnt about doctors and nurses by acting out the rhyme 5 little monkeys jumping on the bed, exploring a treasure basket filled with pretend medical supplies and by dressing up as doctors and nurses. In creative they squeezed paint out of surgical gloves with small holes made in the fingers, play with toy ambulances in goop, make a doctor’s bag craft and paint a large box white, which they will turn into an ambulance.
Shiny Stars celebrate d Valentine’s Day by passing a hug from one child to the next around the circle, they discussed how to be a good friend and encouraged the more able children to say who they loved and why. They made a tree with textured hearts as the blossom and heart shaped badges which they gave to each other as a symbol of giving their love. Related to the topic of Doctors and Nurses, they explored equipment used by a doctor, talking about what each piece is for and how it helps the doctor to look after us, they learnt about germs and how washing their hands with soap is very important.
Rainbows celebrated Valentines Day by finding out why we celebrate this day and by learning about a ‘wrinkled heart’ – the teachers prepared a cut out heart shape and demonstratde how each time we see or do something unkind, the heart becomes creased or crumpled and that this illustrates how we feel inside. After this, they discussed how they can make the heart be like new again by being kind and showing love.
Early Explorers celebrated Valentines Day by discussing how love can’t be seen but is a feeling, describing how we feel inside when somebody is kind and shows love towards us, the different ways in which we can show love to others and why love is so important to everyone; they created LOVE pop art pictures and Valentine cards to take home