Our first breakfast event was a great success with many parents joining their child for pancake themed activities! They could fill their own yummy pancakes, make pretend pancakes which they could toss in the frying pan, take part in pancake races, count pancakes and role play as bakers – what a fun and interactive morning!
Shiny Stars read the story Mr Wolf’s Pancakes, talked about the sequence of events in the story and what kind of character Mr Wolf was; they talked about their favourite pancake fillings, the shape of pancakes and the ingredients that are used in making pancakes. They practiced maths skills as made pancakes from
playdough and then counted pieces of fruit to go on top of the pancake (according to a given number); they made up their own pancake dance while they followed instructions.
Rainbows listened to the story The Pancake and discussed the sequence of cooking and the names of the equipment needed; they practiced counting backwards and taking away in maths by learning a poem about 5 flat pancakes cooking in a pan which involved taking away a pancake each time and predicting how many will be left.
Early Explorers practiced reading words that rhymed with ‘pan’ and then wrote them in simple sentences as they practiced leaving spaces in between the words and using a full stop at the end; they talked about what kinds of pancake filling are healthy and why and the ingredients that are used in making pancakes. In maths they pretended to buy and sell pancakes as they counted out the coins to match prices from 11-20 pence