
Shiny Stars Summer Show

We celebrated a very successful and fun day with Shiny Stars at their summer show. The children told us the story of How the Elephant got its Trunk – through actions, songs and dance. it was a great show, full of laughter, smiles and colour!

By |July 27th, 2017|BLOG, Acorns Journal|Comments Off on Shiny Stars Summer Show

Early Explorers Summer Show & Graduation

Summer Show in Acorns Nursery are planned by the teachers according to the children’s interests and qualities and they are good opportunities for the children to share with their parents some of the things that they have learnt during the year, through story, dance and song – all in a happy and relaxed summer atmosphere […]

By |July 3rd, 2017|BLOG, Acorns Journal|Comments Off on Early Explorers Summer Show & Graduation

‘The first teacher a child should have is his parent!’

Interviu cu Valentina Secară pentru Revista Copii și Părinți
 1.  Ce înseamnă, pentru dumneavoastră, Acorns Nursery?
Pentru mine Acorns a însemnat un nou început! A însemnat multă muncă, mult studiu, bucurii și dezamăgiri, alegeri din care am învățat, testarea propriilor limite și convingeri, nopți nedormite, oameni frumoși, dăruire și dragoste pentruc opii. Astăzi,Acorns Nursery înseamnă educație tinand cont […]

By |June 30th, 2017|BLOG, Resources for parents|Comments Off on ‘The first teacher a child should have is his parent!’

Baby Acorns 11th Anniversary Party

On 30th of May we celebrated 11 years of Baby Acorns with all the parents and children from this very important group in the nursery! As Baby Acorns was the first private creche in Romania, it has become tradition to celebrate Baby Acorns “birthday” close to 1st June each year. Baby Acorns parents and children […]

By |June 1st, 2017|BLOG, Acorns Journal|Comments Off on Baby Acorns 11th Anniversary Party

Changes in the Weather

Last week we began our new topic for March, which is on Changes, starting with Changes in the Weather.

Baby Acorns learnt the song What is the Weather Today? and signs from EYSL for the words associated with this time of year: sun, rain, yellow, green, blue, cold, warm etc. They used headphones to listen to sounds of […]

By |March 24th, 2017|BLOG, Acorns Journal|Comments Off on Changes in the Weather

Visit from French students

We had a visit from four students from a school of Pedagogy in Paris. In the final year of their study, they have the opportunity to go abroad in order to meet childcare/early childhood professionals, to discuss professional practice and education policy.

Alisson, Mélani, Tiphaine and Katia were very impressed with everything they saw in Popa […]

By |February 28th, 2017|BLOG, Acorns Journal|Comments Off on Visit from French students

Visit from the Doctor

Dr. Aurelian Dina, a general surgeon from Metropolitan Hospital came to talk to Early Explorers about being a doctor.

He brought a lot of equipment with him, which he encouraged the children to touch, look inside and find out what they are used for. After having the chance to dress up as a doctor, listen to […]

By |February 28th, 2017|BLOG, Acorns Journal|Comments Off on Visit from the Doctor

Parents Week

Thank you to all parents who participated in this special week! Baby Acorns and Shiny Stars were happy to share their morning activities and play with their Mums and Dads. Rainbows and Early Explorers found out about jobs that some of their parents do: Rainbows learnt about being a dentist from Sebi M’s dad, a […]

By |February 28th, 2017|BLOG, Acorns Journal|Comments Off on Parents Week

Ballet Day

From Baby Acorns dressing up in the first tutus to Early Explorers learning about how ballet dancers train and how ballet can tell a story, the whole nursery was involved in discovering more about this special dance form!

By |February 28th, 2017|BLOG, Acorns Journal|Comments Off on Ballet Day

Story Teller: Adrian Hădean

Chef Adi Hadean enjoyed sharing the story of The Runaway Pancake. Adi asked the children if they would have like to eat the pancake like the animals who chased it in the book and they answered No – because if it had run away then the pancake must have touched the ground! After a discussion […]

By |February 28th, 2017|BLOG, Acorns Journal|Comments Off on Story Teller: Adrian Hădean