December is a festive month in Acorns with many activities happening in both of our nurseries! We started with switching on the lights on our Christmas Trees, an opportunity for parents, children and teachers to get together, decorate the Christmas tree, sing Christmas songs and officially begin the Christmas season in Acorns!
Our Christmas Fair in Popa Soare was a wonderful opportunity for all the parents and children in the nursery to meet and spend some quality time together participating in the activities, meet the partners (KaleidoLove, Livada cu Jucarii, Maya’s Amazing Bookland, Vitrina Cristinei), taste gingerbread and support our causes, OvidiuRO and Touched Tomania.
Every year for Christmas we partner with NGOs on projects that involve children and families who are less fortunate. This year we chose OvidiuRo’s project “Every child deserves a story” and Touched Romania’s projects at Casa Agar and Marie Curie Hospital. A big THANK YOU to all parents who supported our causes! We collected toys, books, hygiene products, clothes, cosmetics and much much more.