Another event this month was ‘Bike Week’, when we invited the children to bring their bikes, scooters etc. to the nursery! All the children’s activities focused on wheels and circles by inside and in the garden.
Baby Acorns learnt about bicycle parts by painting them and washing them afterwards, made and observed paint marks left after riding the bicycle/tricycle in paint. The children had lots of fun riding bicycles with bells attached on their pedals and learnt new songs such as “The wheels on the bike” and “Ride my bike”. They watched the story of “Duck on the bike” and made fluffy chicks by sticking on soft yellow textures and put all of them on a giant paper bicycle.
Shiny Stars talked about bicycle and scooter parts, investigated how wheels work and had lots of fun practicing their leg strength by pairing up and “riding air bicycles”. After building their own bicycle from paper shapes, the children explored circles by making sun decorations and looked for circle shapes in daily objects that they found throughout the rooms.
Rainbows learnt to identify the role of wheels not only in transportation but “all around” in everyday objects. They discussed ways in which a “wheel” is used for transportation and entertainment. They looked at a PPT about the history of bikes and discussed not only how about how practical it is but as well about the health benefits and how bike riding is beneficial for our planet.
In creative, Early Explorers painted concentric circles, made pictures of vehicles by printing using different shapes and practiced drawing bicycles after discussing their different parts.