Ideas connected to multiculturalism are commonly found in today’s society. Nowadays it is rare to not meet people from different cultures compared to our own, while education of the next generation related to understanding and accepting those around us is recommended to begin from the early years.
Preschoolers are most receptive to this type of education, as the first years of life are those which model character and indeed, who the child will later become. Learning about traditions and customs from diverse cultures can benefit children in the following ways:
- Easier social adaptation
- Open mindedness
- Prevention of prejudices and increase of tolerance
- Adaptation to change and less likelihood of potential ‚culture shock’
- Development of empathy
Role play in which children represent different cultures, activities about geography or socio-cultural issues and global-village celebrations are just some of the ways in which children can learn to interact with each other. Later, as teenagers they will be able to easily integrate into any environment and won’t be wary of different ethnicities.
Likewise, the general knowledge gained through these kind of activities will be sound and useful in many different contexts. Through both practical and theoretical experiences they will learn to apply their learning to more concrete and immediate situations. Primary and middle school learning will therefore consolidate earlier learning, helping children develop a logical understanding of our society.
Both the personal development of children and the professional skills which will come later is dependent upon the experiences offered by parents and teachers in the early years. It is therefore our responsibility as adults to assure our children the conditions necessary to help them operate in the rhythm of social change. The context of multiculturalism today calls on each of us to accept those around us and to be more tolerant of those who are different while the new generation must be raised in the spirit of adaptation and solidarity.