Copiii și părinții au petrecut un timp minunat împreună cu ocazia Petrecerii de Crăciun organizate de către Acorns! Toți invitații s-au implicat în activitățile propuse de noi și s-au jucat, au dansat, s-au bulgărit cu zăpadă artificială și au pictat pomi de Crăciun.






They had so much fun that they would have happily continued for longer but it was time to stop, as a special visitor had come while the children had been busy. Everyone then gathered together for circle time with some of the children’s favourite Christmas songs such as Jingle Bells and S-A-N-T-A and then they discovered a huge sack filled with presents for all the children!



It was a joyful and festive party, just right for the little ones first Christmas in the nursery!